
For our Lovely Winter Boy

Happy Birthday! You are the source of endless happiness in our life. Always stay safe and healthy, and keep striving to make yourself and the people you love happy.

Happy Younghyun Day

have a happy birthday!! I hope you have a great time. you are incredible, very charming and also precious. I wish you a lot of love and happiness today and always. we love you

For the greatest idol I've ever seen

Hello Young K, how's your day? I believe you have a great day! First of all, happy birthday our rockstar who always share a happiness for other people. Please stay healthy n don't forget to smile Thank you for your hard work. Your songs and your voice are so beautiful, I cant stop to hear that. I'll listen everywhere I go. I can't make a good letter for you, but I hope you know that I always support you. I'll send a virtual hug for you, I hope you'll accept it 愛してる、Young K


Hiiii, YoungK! How are you? I hope you smile more these days. I want to say something to you. I always admire you, about the way you live, about the way you achieve your dreams, about the way you deal with everything. I'm at a loss for words to describe how cool you are. YoungK, thanks for always being there. Know that we are all waiting for you. We love you, always. See you!!!!

Our Beloved Eternal Sunshine

Happy Birthday our eternal sunshine! Kang Younghyun! May God bless you in every step you did! Thank you for exist in this world. Thanks for growing up so well. Thanks for being a reason for us to be happy. I wish you stay happy and healthy for a long time! We love you, so much. Thanks for everything you have done. It means a lot for us! you are so precious and loved by everyone, you really deserve that. We will always support and love you, off course DAY6 too! Keep shining, our eternal sunshine!


a mssge? well, lemme drop this here. dear our beloved young k, thanks for working so hard to make us happy, but you deserve happiness too. take a rest when u get tired, and also i hope u always smile when u r woke up from bed. i love u for thousand times. thanks for still live as well until now, you are precious uri bbirongie! <3

happy birthday bbrirong. Congratulations on all your hard work so far. hopefully we can meet soon... and may your birthday this year always be blessed. healthy and happy always, and day6 forever

yoxxXr (indonesia)

Happy Birthday Young K!

Dear Young K, Happy birthday our hardworking bassist! You always do your best for us. Thank you for being our healer. Thank you for everything. Please be happy and healthy. Please get enough rest. Don't be too hard on yourself. Take your time if you’re tired. We always got your back. Serve well and take care! We’ll always be here waiting for you. please comeback safely, God Bless You, Young K

Dear my healer, happy birthday ❤

Happy birthday brian youngk <3 thank you for be my source happiness and be my "comfort zone" for the years.. i hope you stay healthy and 많이 먹어 in there hahaha🤭❤ love you.. and i want to say that you are my inspiration to be the better version of myself. Such a blessing to know and stan you❤ Hmm i hope you also happy like me ehe❤ dont forget to be happy everyday everynight okayyy❤ see u ❤🥰🥰🥰

Our Beloved, Kang Younghyun

Younghyun-ah, thank you for saving my life by being part of DAY6 as YoungK. I'm not a person who can write beautiful words. However, I really hope you are happy and happier. You've worked hard so far, and I know you will continue to do so. But don't forget to rest. Hope you can spend this birthday happily. Since it's weekend. ☺☺☺ Let's meet again after military. I'll be waiting here for you.

Young k's Birthday

for: Young K From: Alya happy birthday oppa🥳, I'm sorry I just liked you this year, but I don't regret liking you, I promise that in the future I will always support you, you also have to take care of your health, eat a lot, and don't forget MyDay!!!🥺 And once again happy birthday, best wishes from me to you, may everything you wish come true🥳😍 Greetings from MyDay Indonesia💜🧡🥰

Happy Birthday Brian Kang

I hope you also stay happy and healthy as you often tell us. I hope we can meet ya! I'm waiting in Indonesia!! Happy Birthday for our eternal sunshine❤

Dear Our Eternal Sunshine

Hello there, Young K, our eternal sunshine. Happy birthday to you, hope youre doing good there. May you always bless with happiness as much as happiness that you bring to us. Young K, hope we could meet again in the stage soon with the boys. So please stay healthy! With love

To our greatest love

Young K!! Happy birthday!! Thank you for all the hard work that you do and for your incredible music and love. We are so grateful for you, our eternal sunshine, and we are so proud of you for always working so hard and spreading good vibes everywhere you go. We draw so much strength and inspiration from you each day, I know I do. So thank you from the bottom of my heart. And I hope you have a wonderful birthday! We'll see you soon Young K!

Dearest Kang Younghyun

Hey, Kang Younghyun Happy Birthday! I will never get tired of praying for you to always be happy and healthy. In addition, don't forget to rest and be enthusiastic about carrying out your obligations for +- 2 years! And... don't forget to go home, bri to day6 and myday. We are always waiting for you. So you just have to walk straight ahead, because on your left is day6 and on your right is myday🤍🤍🤍 You know you're really cool!! Thank you for always inspiring~